Design for heroism

Chris Kobar
3 min readOct 17, 2023


The relationship between a user and a product is one that too often falls short. Even if the product is easy to use and get the job done, it can feel neutral, as if the user is simply using a tool. If all we aim to do as designers is to help the user along, then that is good enough. But if our job is also to improve the relationship between users and business, to strengthen the brand, innovate, and increase market success, then we need to do more. We need to not just help the user, but we need to make them the hero.

Designing with the user as the hero is a profound approach that puts the individual at the forefront of the product or experience. It’s all about putting the user front and center, giving them the red carpet treatment, and making them feel like they can tackle any problem. Their journey through the product should not be just efficient, but also emotionally fulfilling.

To pull off this show, you’ve got to start by getting to know your users really well. I’m talking deep, like how an actor researches the character they are going to play. Find out what makes them tick, what drives them crazy, and what puts a smile on their faces. It’s like being their personal mind reader, but without the creepy factor.

Empowerment is the name of the game. You’re not just holding their hand through the experience; you’re handing them the keys and saying, “You’ve got this!” Of course, you’re there to lend a helping hand when they need it, but you’re not cramping their style. You are Batman’s Alfred and 007’s Q. You may not be in the spotlight, but are there whenever needed.

Personalization is like that extra touch of magic. It’s as if you’re a magician pulling personalized rabbits out of your digital hat. Tailor the experience to each user’s unique tastes, and watch them go “Wow, it’s like this was made just for me!”

User-centered design is the secret sauce. Your product should be so easy to use that it’s practically foolproof. Transparency and clear communication are your trusty sidekicks, ensuring everyone’s on the same page. Make sure users have control over their data and how it is used, empowering them to make informed and smart decisions.

User feedback is your GPS, guiding you on the right path. You’re not just listening; you’re taking their suggestions to heart and making real changes through thoughtful iteration. It’s like having your own fan club, and you’re their favorite rock star!

And let’s not forget to help users level up. Think of yourself as a digital Yoda, empowering them to become Jedi masters of your product. They’ll thank you with high-fives and virtual fist bumps, especially when your design helps them be the hero they want to be.

While not suitable for all products, celebrating user achievements is an excellent way to put the user center stage. Badges, rewards and similar surprises are like throwing confetti at a parade. Go ahead and give users a digital gold star for being awesome. They’ll feel like they are standing on the steps with Leia, Luke and Han at the end of the original Star Wars movie. Queue up the John Williams score!

The story you tell about your product should place your users front and center. It’s their journey, their adventure, and your product is the magical weapon they wield to defeat their enemies. If you can give them that feeling of triumph you will transform their relationship with your brand, driving lasting success and maybe even saving the planet from the forces of evil in the process.

